In siemens nx modeling, unsew command use to separate an existing sheet body or solid body into multiple bodies. This post will explain how to use unsew command.
![siemens nx modeling unsew command](
Where do i find it?
From menu -> insert -> combine -> unsew.
From toolbar select unsew.
Siemens nx modeling how to use unsew command.
1. From menu -> insert -> combine -> sew.
2. In tool option, you can select face or edge. This example, i will select face.
In unsew dialog, Select face is active, in window graphics, select face to unsew.
![siemens nx modeling unsew select face to unsew](
3. In setting group, output list, you can select one body for connected faces or one body for each face.
![siemens nx modeling unsew result](
4. Click OK to complete.
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