When we design a mold, if angular slider is too long, we need use locking block to make angular slider pin is shorter and stronger. If we don't make locking block , angular slider pin can be broken during working time. advantage of block: easy installation and maintenance, although the
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How to create thread in nx
Today, mechanicalengblog.com will guide to you how to use thread command to create thread in nx. In Siemens nx, thread command use to add a symbolic or detailed threads on cylindrical of a solid body. You can create thread in nx with left hand or right hand thread, internal or external

10 things to succeed in mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering has a long history in the world and is one of the most commonly used engineering specialties today. Mechanical engineering encompasses all items, from simple domestic appliances to sophisticated equipment and weaponry such as automobiles, aircraft, rockets, and spaceships. As

Autodesk inventor replace face command
In Autodesk inventor replace face command use to replace one or more part faces with a different face. A new face completely intersects the part. It necessary, replace face trims the new face to match the existing part face. Where do I find it? 3D model -> surface -> replace face. How to

how to calculate sum of squares in Excel
Today, mechnicalengblog,com will introduce to you sum of squares function in Excel and how to use it. As you know, excel have many function, and you will have many ways to calculate sum of squares in excel, but what is the best? How to calculate sum of squares in Excel? The formula to calculate