In siemens nx modeling, scale body command use to scale solid or sheet bodies. There are three scaling methods: uniform, axisymmetric, general.
Where do I find it?
From menu: Insert -> Offset / scale -> scale body.
From home tab: Feature group -> More gallery -> Offset/scale gallery -> scale body.
How to use scale body command.
1. Select insert -> offset/scale -> scale body.
2. In the scale body dialog box. In type list, you can select:
Uniform: Scales uniformly in all directions.
Axisymmetric: Scales symmetrically with a specified scale factor, about a specified axis.
General: Scales with different factors in the X, Y, Z directions.
In this example, I will select uniform.
3. Select body you want to scale
4. In the scale point group, select a reference point from which center scale
5. In the scale factor group, Input scale value in Uniform,this example, I will set 1.5
6. In preview, click on show result to see result,
7. Click OK of apply to complete.
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