In Siemens nx modeling, revolve command use to create a feature by revolving a section about an axis. With revolve command, you can create a solid body or sheet body.
+ You can create a solid body when you use a close section with the body type set to solid. Offset of any value with open section or revolve an open section with angle is equal to 360 degrees.
+ You can create a sheet body when when you select sheet option from body sheet or revolve an open section with an angle less than 360 degrees.
You are reading a guide how to use revolve command in Siemens NX. Click here to read all design feature in Simens NX.
Where do I find it?
From menu(top border bar): insert -> design feature -> revolve.
From home tab: Feature group -> design feature drop-down -> revolve.
How to use nx revolve command?
1. From home tab: feature group -> design feature drop-down -> revolve.
2. Select a section to revolve.
+ If we already had a section, Left click on curve button of section group in the revolve dialog. And we select curve from window graphics.
+ if we have not a section, left click on sketch section of section group in the revolve dialog. We will create new sketch and draw a section.
3. In the axis group, we will select specify vector and specify point for revolving.
4. In the limits group, we will select start and end point for revolving.
5. In the boolean group, boolean list, you can select none, unite, subtract, intersect option.
6. In the settings group, in body type list, you can select output result is solid or sheet.
7. Click OK or apply to complete.
We already finished this article. I hope you can know how to use revolve command in Siemens NX. We can revolve a section with an offset, revolve a section between faces.
Thank for your reading?
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