In the Siemens nx sketch rapid dimension use to create a dimensional constraint by inferring the dimension type based on selected objects and the cursor’s location. Where do you find it? + From the menu (Top border bar): insert -> sketch constraint -> dimension -> rapid. + From the home tab: Direct sketch group -> […]
nx cad tips
siemens nx assembly move component in nx
In the siemens nx assembly, move component command use to copy and move a component in nx assembly. This post I will guide to copy and move component in nx. Where do I find it? From the menu (Top border bar): assemblies -> component position -> move component. From the home tab: assemblies group -> move […]
nx tutorial copy move objects in sketch
In the Siemens nx sketching, This tutorial I will guide copy, edit, move objects in sketch. You must exit the command before you copy, move, or edit the objects. I. Siemens nx move objects in sketch A. Use shortcut key from your keyboard and mouse. + Move curve, points, or dimensions: Drag the points, center of […]
nx create 3D cad model by extrude
In the siemens nx modeling, extrude command use to create a feature by extruding a section along a vector. This tutorial I will guide how to create 3D cad model by extrude command. Where do I find it? From the menu(Top border bar): insert -> design feature -> extrude. From the home tab: Feature group […]
new role in nx create edit copy
Role in nx use to provide content and layout, shortcut key or user interface presentation This post, I will guide how to create new role in nx. I. Standard role in nx. 1. Content roles. + Advanced: The advanced role provides a wider set of tools to support straightforward and advanced tasks. + Cam advanced: […]
how to use geometric constraints in nx
In the siemens nx, geometric constraints command use to add geometric constraints to sketch geometry. These specify and maintain conditions for or between the sketch geometry. I. Where do I find it? 1. From the menu(top border bar): insert -> sketch constraints -> geometric constraints. 2. From left border bar: Direct sketch group -> […]