In siemens nx, a datum plane is a planar reference feature. Datum planes can be relative or fixed. It uses to create other features such as swept body, features at angle to the faces of target solids. This post will explain how to create a datum plane.
nx modeling
Siemens nx surface how to use through curves command
In Siemens nx surface, through curves command use to create a body through multiple sections where the shape changes to pass through each section. Sections are curves, points, solid edges, solid faces.
Siemens nx guide how to use datum axis command
In siemens nx modeling, datum axis command use to create a datum axis used to construct other features. It can use to create datum planes, revolved feature, and circular arrays. Datum axis can be either relative or fixed.
siemens nx modeling how to use draft command
In siemens nx modeling, draft command use to modify faces by changing the angle relative to a draw direction. Draft command is available in the modeling application.
Siemens nx how to use thicken command
In Siemens nx modeling, thicken command use to create a solid body by adding thickness to a set of faces. Thickening occurs by offsetting the selected faces along face normal and then creating side walls.
Siemens nx surface how to use ruled surface command
In siemens nx mesh surface, ruled surface command use to create a body between two sections where the ruled shape is a linear transition between the sections.