In this post, I will guide to you how to make quiz game in PowerPoint? It is very simple and easy with 3 main steps.
Make a game in PowerPoint, do you think it’s gonna be difficult? Quiz games like crossword decoding sounds good, but how to design those games is the problem. You may have seen in some programs, how they click on a box then it will show this crossword, click on the other box, it will show that crossword….And do you know, this can be done completely with PowerPoint.
So let’s find out the key for designing quiz games by PowerPoint only, which you will find in this article.
How to make quiz game in PowerPoint?
I. Create game layout.
Step 1: Crossword is a must to quiz game. To create a crossword, go to Insert and use Table function to create the number of cells you want.
Step 2: You can adjust the color for the crossword by clicking on the cell you just created, select Design, select Shading and choose the color you like.
Step 3: Next we numbering the order of the crossword. Here you use the Drawing tool. At Home, select Drawing, select Shape Pentagon to draw.
Adjust the format as you want, then to duplicate the shape, press Ctrl + D. Then you can place it at the right side of the crossword, go to Format, in Rotate choose Flip Horizontal. Finally, number the shape as shown below.
Step 7: Now let’s make more crosswords. Ctrl + A to select all and Ctrl + D, then make some alignments.
Step 8: Create the answers and you have finished designing. For the answer, you should not write directly to the previously created Table frame because it will be difficult to animate later.
Instead you will create a new table of the same size as the previously created table by using CTRL + D. Fill the answer in the newly created table.
Step 9: Now you move the new table over the old table. Basically, you have finished designing the layout of the game slide.
II. Make quiz game in PowerPoint _Add animation.
Step 1: To make it easier to customize the effect, open the name of the objects as follows:
Go to tab Home, in Select, click on Selection Pane... you will know the names of the objects.
Step 2: Choose the effect that appears for the answers by going to Animations, select the effect for the Table.
After selecting the effect, turn on the Animation Pane tool to set the Trigger effect.
Click on the answer table of question 1. Now in the Animation Pane window, right-click on the effect and select Timing…
Step 3: The Random Bars window appears, in the Timing section, select Triggers and click Start effect on click of.
In the drop-down section of Start effect on click of, choose the name of the question label number 1 (the pentagon shape number 1 on the left side).
So you have complete setting up the Trigger effect. Only when you click on the question label number 1 which you have just set that the answer will appear.
Step 4: You do the same with the rest.
Now that we have the game interface and the answers, there are only questions left. Let’s continue on.
III. Create questions using Hyperlink in PowerPoint.
Step 1: You design the question to other slides and can create a Shape as shown below. When you click on that shape, PowerPoint will take you to the slide with the question.
Step 2: You just used the effect with the tables and question labels on the left, and the labels on the right haven’t been used yet, right? Now is the time to use it.
Right-click on label number 1 and select Hyperlink…
Step 3: On the Insert Hyperlink window, select Place in This Document, then select the slide where you designed the question.
If you do not know which slide, look to the right and you will see the preview of the slide you selected. Click OK.
You do the same with the rest.
After you have reached the question slide, you do not know how to return to the answer slide? Let’s create the answer Shape as well. It is the key to solving this problem.
Before, you used Hyperlink to go to the question slide, now you do the opposite from the question back to the answer slide.
Now that you have learned how to create a quiz game with PowerPoint. Sometimes adding a little game can make your Presentation more professional and interesting for viewers, don’t you think?
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