Autodesk inventor revolve tool use to create a feature or body by revolving one or more sketched profiles about an axis. You can revolve profile through any angle up to 360 degrees. The axis of revolution can by part of the profile or offset from it. The profile and axis must be co planar.
Where do I find it?
3D model -> create -> revolve
How to use inventor revolve tool?
1. Create a sketch and axis, and click on the revolve icon. The revolve dialog will appear. In the top of dialog, you can select feature type as body or surface.
2. In the specify input geometry, select profiles and axis that you want to use.
3. In the specify behavior parameters: select direction and angle of revolved
4. In the output group, there are 4 types that you can select.
+ Join: Combine new feature or body that you will create to another feature or body.
+ Cut: Removes the volume created by the extruded feature from another feature or body.
+ Intersect: Creates a feature from the shared volume of the extruded feature and another feature. Deletes material that is not included in the shared volume.
+ New Solid: Creates a solid body.
5. In the advanced properties, you can add more option as taper A, I mate, match shape.
6. Click OK to finish this sketch.
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