Gas vent is space that air can go out of mold. When molten plastics fills up the mold. The air or molten plastics left in the mold will generate gas. If they can not go out of mold, appearance of samples will not good: have gas, fire, …
two plate mold review plastic molding
Two plate mold has one parting line which is consist of fixed and flexible plates. Fixed plate attach to stationary platen on injection machine where resin is ejected. Flexible plate attach to moving platen on injection machine where has clamping system.
Plastic molding basic design of sample P2
To continue P1, today i will update plastic molding basic design: draft angle of sample, boss of sample,….
plastic molding basic design of sample P1
When you design a product for plastic molding, you must care many point : quality, cycle of product, material, injection machine, liquidity, mold designing condition,… In this lesson, i will explain about: Thickness of sample, sharp corner, rib of sample,…
siemens nx tutorial how to use split body command
In siemens nx, split body command use to device a solid body or sheet body into multiple bodies using a set of faces or a datum plane. This tutorial will guide how to use split body command .
siemens nx tutorial use trim body
In siemens nx trim body command use to trim one or more target bodies using a face or plane. This post will show how to use trim body command.