In siemens nx modeling, scale body command use to scale solid or sheet bodies. There are three scaling methods: uniform, axisymmetric, general.
Siemens nx modeling how to use unsew command
In siemens nx modeling, unsew command use to separate an existing sheet body or solid body into multiple bodies. This post will explain how to use unsew command. Where do i find it? From menu -> insert -> combine -> unsew. From toolbar select unsew. Siemens nx modeling how to use unsew command. 1. From menu […]
Siemens nx how to use offset face command
In siemens nx, offset face command use to offset a set of faces from their current location. You can add a single offset face feature to multiple bodies.
Siemens nx how to use delete edge command
In siemens nx, delete edge command use to delete an edge or chain of edges from a sheet body to remove an interior or exterior boundary. You can use it to remove a hole, or to untrim an exterior boundary.
plastic injection molding runner system
Runner system connects the sprue via the gate with the cavity. It has to distribute molten plastics in the same condition, pressure and time for all cavities.
plastic injection molding gate design overview
Gate is the connector between runner and cavity. Gate design following : location, number, geometry, dimension,… is very important for appearance, production efficiency, dimension accuracy.