In Siemens nx modeling, join face command use to join face on a body. On same surface, it will remove redundant faces, edges, and vertices from selected bodies.
siemens nx combine
Siemens nx modeling how to use unsew command
In siemens nx modeling, unsew command use to separate an existing sheet body or solid body into multiple bodies. This post will explain how to use unsew command. Where do i find it? From menu -> insert -> combine -> unsew. From toolbar select unsew. Siemens nx modeling how to use unsew command. 1. From menu […]
Siemens nx how to use intersect command
In siemens nx, Intersect command use to create a body containing the volume share by two or more different bodies. You can intersect sold with solid, sheet with sheet, a sheet with a solid.
Siemens nx how to use subtract command
In siemens nx, subtract command use to remove the volume of one or more tool bodies from target body. The target body and tool bodies must overlap. Where do i find it? From toolbar: feature Combine drop down -> subtract. From menu: Insert -> Combine -> subtract. How to use subtract command. 1. From feature toolbar, […]
Siemens nx how to use unite command
In siemens nx, Unite command use to combine the volume of two or more solid bodies into a single body. The target body and tool bodies must overlap or share faces. Where do i find it? Form menu: Insert -> combine -> Unite. From toolbar: Feature: Unite. How to use unite command. 1. From toolbar-> Feature […]