In this tutorial, I will guide to you how to password protect powerpoint presentation? It is simple but very useful to protect your information.
Sometimes in the process of designing a PowerPoint presentation, there are times when you want to keep secret about the content you intend to present. Or when someone has access to your computer, there are some files that you do not want them to see, then you have to secure them by setting a password, the reader will not be able to open that file, even cannot copy.
Microsoft allows you to set passwords for its applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Let’s find out how to do it in PowerPoint.
I. How to password protect powerpoint presentation?
1: Go to File, then Info. In the Protect Presentation section, click drop-down menu and select Encrypt with Password.
2: Encrypt document box appears. Enter the password into the blank to prevent others from opening the file, then click OK.
PowerPoint will ask you to enter the password again. Remember to re-enter the exact password.
After done setting the password, close the file and open it again, you will be asked to enter the password before getting fully access to the file.
To delete the password, go to Encrypt with Password again and delete the password typed in before, then press OK, the password will be removed.
II. Allow to open but not to edit. (Read only)
This password created will allow the person who knows the password can still view and edit the content of the file, otherwise without the password you can only view the file, can not copy or edit.
1: Go to File, choose Save As and Browse to get to the Save As window.
2: In Save As window, click on Tools and select General Options.
3: Two types of password to set, Password to Open – same as above, and Password to modify which is used to prevent from editing. You can set both two password or only Password to modify, then click OK, PowerPoint will ask you to re-enter to confirm.
You can completely set these passwords differently, not necessarily the same, but you should be able to memorize them to be able to open and edit the file.
When open the file, enter the password you have set or choose the Read Only mode instead, and this mode, you won’t be able to do any editing.
To remove the password, go to File => Save As => Tools => General Options. Here you also delete the passwords in the 2 sections, then click OK. All password will be removed.
And that is how you can secure for your file by setting a password. This way always work best for protecting your docment, presentation, all Office application can also be applied. But please save your password somewhere easy to remember so you can find it again, or there will be some bigger problems.
Let’s end the tutorial for today here. Thank you for stopping by, hope to have more of your support!
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