In Siemens nx modeling, swept command use to create a body by sweeping a section along one or more guides using various options the shape along the guide.
Siemens nx how to use variable offset command
In Siemens nx surface, variable offset command use to offset a face with a distance that may vary over four points. You can select a different offset value for each point.
Siemens nx how to use offset surface command
In siemens nx modeling, offset surface command use to create a body by offsetting a set of faces. The result is a new body with an offset to the selected face.
Siemens nx surface four point surface command
In siemens nx surface, four point surface command use to create a surface by specifying four points. This is useful for creating base surfaces that support the surface based Class-A workflow.
Siemens nx how to use join face command
In Siemens nx modeling, join face command use to join face on a body. On same surface, it will remove redundant faces, edges, and vertices from selected bodies.
Siemens nx how to use extract geometry command
In siemens nx modeling, extract geometry command use to create associative copies, faces, curves, points, datum, and associative mirrored copies of bodies, within the same part.