There are many methods to create a point in the siemens nx software as cursor location, existing point, end point, control point, intersection point, arc/ellipse/sphere center, angle on an arc/ellipse, quadrant point, point on a curve/edge, point on a face, between two points, spline point. In this post, I will explain how to crate a […]
Siemens nx guide how to create a datum plane
In siemens nx, a datum plane is a planar reference feature. Datum planes can be relative or fixed. It uses to create other features such as swept body, features at angle to the faces of target solids. This post will explain how to create a datum plane.
Siemens nx guide how to use datum axis command
In siemens nx modeling, datum axis command use to create a datum axis used to construct other features. It can use to create datum planes, revolved feature, and circular arrays. Datum axis can be either relative or fixed.