In today’s article, I will guide you about page break in word, add pages in any position in Word, and how to delete pages in Word in extremely easy ways. These are relatively simple operations but are really important for those who use Word for professional text editing.
So want to know how the above operations are done, please follow these steps I’m gonna show below.
I. How to insert page break in word?
When you actively break the page, even if you add content to the previous page, the content on the following page will not be moved down the line. This is very different from a break page with the Enter key.
Note: If you put the cursor before a certain content, and then break the page, the entire content under the cursor will drop to a new page. If you place the cursor at the end of the table paragraph on a page, it will create a new blank page.
To ensure the page breaks are always in the correct position, we should do one of the following:
a. Use the key combination Ctrl + Enter
Suppose I have an example below. Now I will proceed to break the second table to a new page.
Move the cursor to the position that you want to break. Press Ctrl + Enter to break the page.
The data behind the cursor – which is the second table as shown in the photo – will immediately be moved to a new page behind.
b. Create a new blank page.
Step 1: Place the cursor at the end of the text.
Step 2: Press the key combination Ctrl + Enter, a new page will be created under the previous page.
II. Insert page break in word by using Blank Page feature
Step 1: Place the cursor at the position that you want to break. I will break the second table using this way.
Step 2: Select Insert, then Page Break to break the page.
The page break will move the second table to the page after the previous page.
You can also break page in the Layout section. Choose Breaks then choose Page to make page break.
III. How to add a new blank page in Word
In #1, we can only add the blank page to the end of the text but not inserting between paragraphs. Now I will show you how to add a new blank page to any position.
Step 1: Place the cursor at where you want to add a blank page.
Step 2: At Insert, choose Pages, then select Blank Page to add a new page.
A new blank page will be added in between the 2 pages.
IV. How to blank page in word?
Situation 1: The blank page is at the end of the document, you can use Backspace key on your keyboard to delete, if you can’t delete it, move to situation 2.
Situation 2: Place the cursor at the bottom of the page, on the white page, hold down the Shift key, then drag the cursor to the blank page, press Delete on the keyboard. Immediately the blank page will be deleted.
V. How to remove page break in word?
- remove page break in word with delete key.
+ Open your word document,
+ Go to home -> click show/hide button to show all formatting marks including page breaks.
+ Double-click to select a page break and press Delete to remove it
So through this article, I have instructed you in details of how to break pages in Word, add a new blank page anywhere in Word, and how to delete blank pages in Word. If you do not know, please continue to follow my articles. Above are ways to do from simple to complex and are presented in great detail.
Hope this article will help you. Good luck!
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