In this tutorial, I will guide to you how to create table in ms word. You can create it by quick create option, draw, available templates. Also, I will guide how to remove, delete it.
Table is a basic knowledge of Word. As I have shared with you many times before, there are a lot of things you can do with table, adjustment, alignment,… But to sum up from the beginning for those who are new and first use Word, this article is for you. Today I will guide you from the simplest one like how to create a table in Word, and some simple table manipulation to work with table. Let’s get started with Word version 2016.
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I. Create table in ms Word.
#1. Quick create.
This way creates tables for small table data quickly (less than 8 rows and 10 columns), for larger data, you should not use this method.
First put the cursor on the position where you want to draw the table then go to Insert.
Drag the cursor to Illustrator then select Table, a small table with cells will appear under the word Insert Table …
To select the number of rows or columns, drag the cursor corresponding rows / columns to select. After selecting, left-click to draw the board.
#2. Set the number of rows and columns
Step 1: Go to Insert, then Table. Click on Insert Table.
Step 2: Table Insert box will appear. Enter the number of rows and columns you want to create then click OK.
#3. Draw a table.
Step 1: At Insert, choose Table then select Draw Table.
Step 2: The cursor will turn into a pen. Now you can drag the cursor to draw the shape for the table as you like. After that press Enter to finish creating a table.
#4. Using available templates.
In the Insert tab, select Table then select Quick Table. Now there will be available table templates, you can choose on these to use as long as it suits your purpose.
II. Remove a table in Word
Select the table you want to delete by clicking the black plus sign at the top above the table, then go to Layout, choose Delete, select Delete Table and the table will be removed immediately.
One more quicker way, click the plus sign then right-click and select Delete Table.
III. Formatting table in Word.
#1. Quick access in table.
Using the keyboard to quickly access to some actions such as:
Tab: Move to the next cell to the right of the table, or create a new row if on the last cell of the table.
Shift + arrow keys: Select the content of the adjacent cell right at the currently selected position.
Alt + Home: Go to the first cell of the table
Alt + End: Go to the last cell of the current line.
Alt + Page up: Return to the first tabular cell of the column.
Alt + Page down: Return to the last tabular cell of the column.
Up arrow: Move the mouse pointer up one line
Down arrow: Move the mouse pointer down one line.
#2. Select row or column
Two ways to select rows or column. The first way is using your mouse pointer, similarly with selecting text, just click at the row or column and drag the cursor to select it.
Another way is to use the Shift key and Ctrl key. Select one row or column by dragging the cursor above the column or at the beginning of the row, then hold Shift or Ctrl to choose the next rows or columns.
#3. Insert more rows or columns.
Select the a row/column then right-click, choose Insert. Here you can choose to insert more rows or column depending.
Or select the row/column, go to Layout and look to the Rows and Column section to see the insert options available.
#4. Delete row or column.
Select the row or the column to delete then right-click. According to which you select is a row or a column the toolbars will display the options as Delete Row or Delete Column. Click on it to completely remove.
And that is the most common knowledge about tables in Word that in this article I want to share. For those of you who already know, already familiar with those steps, this article may not be necessary, so in this post I only directed to those newbies out there.
This is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more articles on manipulating tables in Word. Thank you and see you again.
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