In this tutorial. I will guide to your how to insert checkbox in Word? Also, you can lock and unlock content at checkbox in word.
Usually, we use check boxes in test documents, markup sheets or in surveys,…I bet these kind of documents are not so strange with you. Students or such job like marketing employee may require the use of survey documents with check boxes. So how to insert check boxes into Word files? The answer for this question will have a proper explanation right in this article.
So today I will share with you how to insert checkbox and lock content in an extremely simple way, so that online survey participants can only check or uncheck the Checkbox without being able to align into the existed content.
In the example above I use Word 2016. However, you can apply the same on Word 2007 and 2013, 2010.
I. How to insert checkbox in Word.
Step 1: Open Word then select File. Click on Options to enter the settings.
For Word 2007, click the Office Button icon on the top left corner of the file, then choose Word Options.
Step 2: In the Options box, choose Customize Ribbon. Then click on Developer.
After that, OK to bring the Developer tab out of the Word toolbar and exit the installation window.
Step 3: In your own file, click on the Developer tab and place your cursor in the place where you need to insert checkbox. Select Checkbox as shown below.
This is the checkbox result I have just made.
II. Lock content in Word file containing Checkbox.
As explained above, locking the content containing Checkboxes is essential to protect the integrity of the content you want to transmit.
Step 1: Click on Developer, then select Restrict Editting feature. Click on Allow only this type of editting in the document.
After that choose Filling in forms, and click Yes Start Enforcing protection to set a password for the data file.
Step 2: At the Start Enforcing Protection dialog box, do as following:
Enter new password (optional): Enter your password.
Reenter password to confirm: Reenter password to confirm.
Finally click OK to finish.
From now on, the entire contents of your file have been locked, and you can only answer the test via a check mark. This will help you keeping the current status of the survey content when surveying via Email, or via the Internet ..
III. Unlock the locked file.
Step 1: Open the Word file containing the Checkbox that needs to unlock the Password.
Then click on the tab Developer, select Restrict Editing then Stop Protection.
Then in the Unprotect Document box you just need to enter the correct password and click OK to unlock.
After unlocking the Password, you can customize and edit as normal.
OK, so I have just instructed you in great detail how to create a Checkbox in Word. In addition, related issues such as locking and unlocking the contents of the file containing Checkbox in Word are also presented very specifically and clearly.
My article has also ended now. See you in the other topics. Good luck!
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